El uso del ING despues de Preposiciones – Preposition + Gerund

June 3, 2024Curso Intermediate

Preposicion + gerund or ING — Lesson 16 INTERMEDIATE


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Welcome to lesson 14 of our INTERMEDIATE course where we continue talking about the rules of infinitives and ING (Gerund). In this free class which is accompanied with an audio, we will be talking about the PREPOSITION + GERUND rule.

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Before we start this class please notice that we have already talked about some uses of infinitive and ING (Gerund). If you would like to review these classes here are the links:

Understanding Gerunds After Prepositions in English

As an ESL learner, mastering the use of gerunds after prepositions is crucial for achieving fluency and accuracy in English. In this post, we’ll dive into the rules and examples of using gerunds after prepositions to help you enhance your writing and speaking skills.

What is a Gerund?

A gerund is the -ing form of a verb that functions as a noun. For example:

  • “Swimming is fun.”
  • “I enjoy reading.”

*** Recuerden que el GERUNDIO es un verbo que no está haciendo la acción. Funciona como un sustantivo.

Why Use Gerunds After Prepositions?

In English, when a verb follows a preposition, it must be in the gerund form. This rule is consistent and applies to all prepositions. Understanding this will help you construct sentences correctly and sound more natural.

Many students think that the present participle ING is always a verb but it depends on the context. A gerund is  the -ing form of a verb and functions as a noun in a sentence.

For example, in the sentence “Swimming is my favorite hobby,” “swimming” is a gerund acting as the subject.


Mastering preposition combination phrases with gerunds will significantly enhance your fluency in English. Here are some of the most common phrases, with examples and their Spanish translations.

Common Preposition Phrases

  1. Be interested in (estar interesado en):
    • “She is interested in learning new languages.”
    • “Ella está interesada en aprender nuevos idiomas.”
  2. Be good at (ser bueno en):
    • “He is good at playing the guitar.”
    • “Él es bueno tocando la guitarra.”
  3. Be afraid of (tener miedo de):
    • “They are afraid of failing the exam.”
    • “Ellos tienen miedo de reprobar el examen.”
  4. Look forward to (esperar con ansias):
    • “I am looking forward to meeting you.”
    • “Estoy esperando con ansias conocerte.”
  5. Be capable of (ser capaz de):
    • “She is capable of solving complex problems.”
    • “Ella es capaz de resolver problemas complejos.”
  6. Be responsible for (ser responsable de):
    • “He is responsible for managing the team.”
    • “Él es responsable de dirigir el equipo.”
  7. Insist on (insistir en):
    • “She insists on paying for the meal.”
    • “Ella insiste en pagar la comida.”
  8. Apologize for (disculparse por):
    • “He apologized for being late.”
    • “Él se disculpó por llegar tarde.”
  9. Prevent (someone) from (prevenir que alguien):
    • “The heavy rain prevented us from going out.”
    • “La fuerte lluvia nos impidió salir.”
  10. Thank (someone) for (agradecer a alguien por):
    • “Thank you for helping me with my homework.”
    • “Gracias por ayudarme con mi tarea.”
  11. Be tired of (estar cansado de):
    • “She is tired of working late hours.”
    • “Ella está cansada de trabajar hasta tarde.”
  12. Be committed to (estar comprometido con):
    • “He is committed to improving his skills.”
    • “Él está comprometido con mejorar sus habilidades.”
  13. Be excited about (estar emocionado por):
    • “They are excited about going on vacation.”
    • “Ellos están emocionados por irse de vacaciones.”
  14. Be famous for (ser famoso por):
    • “He is famous for writing mystery novels.”
    • “Él es famoso por escribir novelas de misterio.”
  15. Be involved in (estar involucrado en):
    • “She is involved in organizing the event.”
    • “Ella está involucrada en organizar el evento.”
  16. Depend on (depender de):
    • “They depend on receiving regular updates.”
    • “Ellos dependen de recibir actualizaciones regulares.”
  17. Be worried about (estar preocupado por):
    • “I am worried about missing the deadline.”
    • “Estoy preocupado por perder la fecha límite.”
  18. Be known for (ser conocido por):
    • “The city is known for having beautiful parks.”
    • “La ciudad es conocida por tener parques hermosos.”
  19. Succeed in (tener éxito en):
    • “He succeeded in completing the project on time.”
    • “Él tuvo éxito en completar el proyecto a tiempo.”
  20. Be used to (estar acostumbrado a):
    • “She is used to waking up early.”
    • “Ella está acostumbrada a levantarse temprano.”

Examples in Sentences

Here are these phrases used in full sentences:

  1. “She is interested in learning new languages.”
    • “Ella está interesada en aprender nuevos idiomas.”
  2. “He is good at playing the guitar.”
    • “Él es bueno tocando la guitarra.”
  3. “They are afraid of failing the exam.”
    • “Ellos tienen miedo de reprobar el examen.”
  4. “I am looking forward to meeting you.”
    • “Estoy esperando con ansias conocerte.”
  5. “She is capable of solving complex problems.”
    • “Ella es capaz de resolver problemas complejos.”
  6. “He is responsible for managing the team.”
    • “Él es responsable de dirigir el equipo.”
  7. “She insists on paying for the meal.”
    • “Ella insiste en pagar la comida.”
  8. “He apologized for being late.”
    • “Él se disculpó por llegar tarde.”
  9. “The heavy rain prevented us from going out.”
    • “La fuerte lluvia nos impidió salir.”
  10. “Thank you for helping me with my homework.”
    • “Gracias por ayudarme con mi tarea.”
  11. “She is tired of working late hours.”
    • “Ella está cansada de trabajar hasta tarde.”
  12. “He is committed to improving his skills.”
    • “Él está comprometido con mejorar sus habilidades.”
  13. “They are excited about going on vacation.”
    • “Ellos están emocionados por irse de vacaciones.”
  14. “He is famous for writing mystery novels.”
    • “Él es famoso por escribir novelas de misterio.”
  15. “She is involved in organizing the event.”
    • “Ella está involucrada en organizar el evento.”
  16. “They depend on receiving regular updates.”
    • “Ellos dependen de recibir actualizaciones regulares.”
  17. “I am worried about missing the deadline.”
    • “Estoy preocupado por perder la fecha límite.”
  18. “The city is known for having beautiful parks.”
    • “La ciudad es conocida por tener parques hermosos.”
  19. “He succeeded in completing the project on time.”
    • “Él tuvo éxito en completar el proyecto a tiempo.”
  20. “She is used to waking up early.”
    • “Ella está acostumbrada a levantarse temprano.”

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