El infinitivo en ingles – Despues de Adjetivos
Uso del Infinitivo 2: Después de adjetivos — Lesson 12 INTERMEDIATE
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Bienvenidos al mejor portal para aprender inglés gratis con su profesor virtual Carlos. Hoy tenemos la segunda lección del Infinitivo o “Infinitive” . Esta lección es parte de nuestro curso de INTERMEDIO e incluye audio que pueden encontrar al comienzo de esta publicación seguida por la clase escrita en la parte inferior.
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We are going to talk about the INFINITIVE and specifically on the rule related to adjectives. Please follow this lesson with the audio at the beginning of this post.
Adjectives Followed by Infinitives
There are SOME adjectives that can be followed by infinitives. In general these adjectives describe a person (or persons) and not a thing. Many of these adjectives describe a person´s feelings or attitude.
*** La regla dice que cuando quieras seguirle a un adjetivo con un verbo sin conjugar, siempre se usa el INFINITIVE con TO.
Por ejemplo:
Estoy contento de verte.
I am happy to see you
Por lógica y contexto esto no aplica a todos os adjetivos sino a los que mayormente describen sentimientos y actitudes de personas. A continuación les dejamos con una lista de adjetivos comunes que se les sigue el INFINITIVE:
List of these Common Adjectives
In the following image we can see a list of adjectives followed by infinitives
Complete the sentences using the expressions listed in Chart 15-2 and your own words. Use
infinitive phrases in your completions.
1. Nicole always speeds on the expressway. She’s …
� She’s certain to get stopped by the police.
� She’s likely to get a ticket.2. I’ve worked hard all day long. Enough! I’m …
3. Next month, I’m going to a family reunion – the first one in 25 years. I’m very much looking forward to it. I’m …
4. Some children grow up in unhappy homes. My family, however, has always been loving andsupportive. I’m …
5. Ivan’s run out of money again, but he doesn’t want anyone to know his situation. He needs money desperately, but he’s …
6. Rosalyn wants to become an astronaut. That has been her dream since she was a little girl. She has been working hard toward her goal and is …
7. Our neighbors had extra tickets to the baseball game, so they invited us to go with them. Since both of us love baseball, we were …
8. My sister-in-law recently told me what my brother is up to these days. I couldn’t believe my ears! I was …
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