Video para practicar y aprender INGLES: MEET THE FOCKERS
Videos para aprender y practicar vocabulario en INGLES – “Video Los FOCKERS – Video #18
Bienvenidos a InglesTotal,
Hoy tenemos una entrada en video para practicar y aprender inglés. Se trata de un clip se la película Meet the Fockers de donde podemos aprender un poco de vocabulario y practicar algunas frases en inglés.
Nuestra sección de videos les trae diversos clips que nos ayudan a practicar inglés de una manera divertida. A través de los videos podemos usar mejor el contexto en que se dan las conversaciones para entender las frases que se utilizan. Ademas, se practica la comprensión auditiva, pronunciación e inclusive las estructuras gramaticales de una manera mas pasiva.
Video clip de la película Meet the Fockers
Primero vean el video e intenten entender las conversaciones. Siempre presten atención al contexto y escuchen por las palabras claves para intentar entender lo mas que puedan sin necesidad de ver la transcripción que esta despues del video. El nivel de inglés para este video es de pre-intermedio en adelante. Despues de ver el video vayan a la sección de vocabulario para ver algunas palabras nuevas que quizas no sepan. De allí lean la transcripcíon y finalmente vean el video de nuevo.
[youtube bXNwzKo5Yps super video]
Vocabulary – Vocabulario
– Yams / batata – jícama
– Farm / granja
– Plus / Ademas
– Pump / bombear
– Milk / Ordeñar (verbo) – leche (sustantivo)
– a litter / una camada
– Runt / renacuajo (muy chico)
– Saucer / platillo
– Nipples / pezones
– Perhaps / Quizas
Transcripción de la conversación
– Greg, would you like some yams?
– Oh, thank you.
– Father You must have had vegetables fresher than that growing up on a farm, Greg.
– Dad, Greg grew up in Detroit.
– He told me he grew up on a farm.
– Do they have many farms in Detroit?
– No, Dina, not a lot, in fact. Jack, I should clarify this – I didn’t exactly grow up on a farm per se. The house that we grew up in was originally erected an early Dutch farm. Colonial style. So, that, plus we had a lot of pets.
– Which one did you milk then?
– Dad!
– Honey, he said he pumped milk.
– What have you ever milked?
– A cat.
– A cat?
– I milked a cat once. Do you want to hear the story?
– Sure.
– My sister had a cat, and the cat birthed a litter of kittens. Must have been thirty of them. And there was this one little runt. This little sweet little Engine that Could runt, you know, that wanted to get up there, but who couldn’t get access to the, to the, to the, to the teat.
– Teat?
– Dad!
– What have you. I went in and just simply, you know, just……into a little saucer, and then took the saucer and fed it to Geppetto. That’s what I named him, Geppetto.
– I had no idea you could milk a cat.
– Oh, you can milk anything with nipples.
– I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?
– Ok, Dad, could we change the subject, perhaps?
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