Como redactar emails y cartas informales en INGLES
Curso para aprender inglés en línea gratis – WRITING ACTIVITY 1 : Redacción de emails y cartas informales en inglés
Hoy empezamos nuestra sección de writing y para empezar vamos a estudiar como redactar /escribir / componer emails o cartas informales en inglés. Si tienen preguntas o sugerencias no olviden de dejar sus comentarios.
Writing an informal email or letter
In today’s world it is very important to say connected with people. Globalization has made our world smaller and English has emerged as the main language internationally. In this post we are going to talk about an essential part of communicating. We are going to take a look at some useful language when we write informal emails or letters.
There are three parts when we write an email or letter. These are the introduction, the body and the conclusion.
The introduction
In this section we use opening expressions and the reason of our email. We can also thank or answer a previous email which we received.
A veces nos cuesta empezar una carta o email. Una buena forma es mencionar la razon por la que escribimos despues de un “opening expression”. Esto ayuda a que el compositor y el lector entiendan el proposito principal de la carta o email. El párrafo de introducción solo consta de algunas lineas.
- Opening Expressions: How to start an email / letter
How are you?
How have you been?
How’s everything going?
I was glad to hear from you.
I hope things are going well with you these days.
I hope you are doing fine.
Hope you are well.
What’s new?
- Reason one is writing:
I am writing because …
The reason I am writing is because …
I wanted to …
I would like to …
- Opening Expressions when we answer an email / letter
Thanks for you email / letter
It was great to hear from you
It was so nice to hear from you.
Sorry for not writing earlier
I hope you and your family are well
- Responding to news
Sorry to hear about…
Glad to hear that you’re all well
Good luck with …
Hope you feel better soon
This is the most important part. Here we talk about the main subject and expand with details about the reason of writing the email. If we talk about two different things it is best to write another paragraph.
Intenten ordenar sus ideas en el cuerpo principal para que puedan desarrollar un patron lógico para ordenar sus ideas. Cuando tienen mas de una idea podrían empezar con : “First, I wanted to let you know…” Esto ayuda a que el lector pueda entenderlo mejor.
Then if you need to ask for something I suggest the following expressions:
- Asking for something
Can you please…?
Is it ok if you …?
I want to …
Would you mind …?
I was wondering if…
Closing expressions
Anyway, / Well that’s all for now
Hope to hear from you soon / Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Send my regards (love) to…
Take care / Best wishes / Regards / (Lots of) love from…
Stay in touch / Keep in touch
Bye for now
See you
PS Please send me the photos of our last trip
Antes de mandar el email o carta asegurence de leerlo completamente para ver si hay algun error ortográfico. También analizen si cumplieron con el objetivo de mandar el mensaje que querían y que tenga un patron lógico.
Examples: (images from
Mas ejemplos y frases cuando escriben un email o carta informal:
from: ana maria
I am so hapyy to see you!
The weekend from 1to 3 of febrery , i was in barcelona .i love barcelona so much, a ver now each time that i go ther.
The weather was very nice, not very cold and sanny, and the flight had no delays.
Although i already know the city we did some sightsseing.
We walked thouggh the ramblas , we visited the market of the boqueria that is very nice .We walked also to The monument of colonmbus and wat to the port.
I’ll slow you pictures of the pleces we will visit next time
Well my teacher it has been a pleasure to meet you but now I have to go .
We keep in contact. kisses.