Videos para practicar INGLES – Pole Dancing

October 7, 2009Videos

Curso de inglés gratuito – VIDEOS para practicar INGLES – POLE DANCING VIDEO #3

We continue with videos to practice and learn vocabulary, phrases, and structure in context. Videos are great because we can learn by watching and hearing. In addition, after each video you can read the explanation of the conversations.

Video: “Pole Dancing” – Bud Light advertisement

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Cool: great / awesome (adjective): it is an informal way of saying nice – CHEVERE
Cool place

How about …? : it is used to offer something – SE UTILIZA PARA OFRECER ALGO
How about a Bud Light?

Somebody / Anybody / Someone / Anyone : An unspecified or unknown person – ALGUIEN
Did somebody open a Bud Light?

Here / Here you are : to give something to someone (to hand out) : DAR ALGO A ALGUIEN
Here, have mine -(Le da la cerveza)

* Gracias por el apoyo y recuerden de mandar sus comentarios en audio a contacto(@) para ponerlo en futuros episodios. NO OLVIDEN DE REPETIR LAS FRASES APRENDIDAS