Expresiones en Ingles – Episodio 7 “How’d it go?”
Everyday Expressions — Episode 7: How’d it go
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How’d it go?
How to Use the Phrase “How’d it go?” in English
Welcome back to our ESL blog! Today, we’re going to explore the phrase “How’d it go?” This is a common question in everyday English, and understanding how to use it can help you sound more natural when speaking with native speakers.
What Does “How’d it go?” Mean?
The phrase “How’d it go?” is a contraction of “How did it go?” It’s a way to ask someone about the outcome or result of an event or activity. People use this phrase to show interest and to check in on how something turned out.
When to Use “How’d it go?”
You can use “How’d it go?” in various situations:
- After someone has completed a task or activity.
- When checking on someone’s performance in an event or situation.
- Following up on an experience someone had.
Examples in Different Contexts
- Work or School
- English: You just finished your presentation. How’d it go?
- Spanish: Acabas de terminar tu presentación. ¿Cómo te fue?
- Social Events
- English: You went to the party last night. How’d it go?
- Spanish: Fuiste a la fiesta anoche. ¿Cómo te fue?
- Appointments
- English: You had a doctor’s appointment today. How’d it go?
- Spanish: Tuviste una cita con el doctor hoy. ¿Cómo te fue?
- Sports and Hobbies
- English: You participated in the soccer match. How’d it go?
- Spanish: Participaste en el partido de fútbol. ¿Cómo te fue?
- Interviews
- English: You had a job interview this morning. How’d it go?
- Spanish: Tuviste una entrevista de trabajo esta mañana. ¿Cómo te fue?
“How’d it go?” is similar to “How was ___?” But “How was ___?” is asking for someone’s opinion or evaluation of an event. For example, you could ask:
How was the movie?
How was your vacation?
Remember, using phrases like “How’d it go?” can make your English sound more natural and engaging. Practice with friends, colleagues, or even in your thoughts to get comfortable with this expression.
Feel free to leave comments below about how you’ve used this phrase, or if you have any questions!
Happy learning!
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