July 30, 2019Curso Intermediate

Present Continuous +Being + Adjective — Lesson 3 INTERMEDIATE


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In today’s class we continue to focus on the Present Continuous tense. Today we are going to see another way to use this tense. Many people only have the concept that we can use the Present Continuous for actions happenning now but we can use it for other great situations.

Present Continuous 

When we learn about the present continuous we never use the state verbs (Lesson #50).

So for example I can’t say:

  • I am wanting.
  • She is liking the pizza.
  • They are remembering the song.
  • Claudio is having a car.

So for obvious reasons I can’t use BE with the present continous in these cases:

  • I am being fine thank you
  • He is being in his house.
  • That is being a table.

Present Continuous + BEING + ADJECTIVE

In English we are full of exceptions and special cases or situations and today we are presenting a special case where we use the Present Continuous with BEING.


We CAN use the present continuous with “BEING” followed by an ADJECTIVE to talk about certain behaviour and conduct. It is only to indicate how someone is behaving


– Is Joe drunk? He is being rude

– My son Pablito is a very nice boy. Unfortunately today he is being selfish with his toys.
– I think Raquel is in a good mood. She is being kind to everyone.



Se puede usar “BEING” con el PRESENT CONTINUOUS pero solo para casos que hablen de una conducta mas no de una descripción de personalidad. Es algo del momento y que se refiere a un comportamiento que no necesariamente habla de como es la persona de manera general.

Además de este curso ofrecemos otros cursos como el de conversación, vocabulario y pronunciación. Les dejamos nuestro menú para que pueda seguir nuestros cursos gratis de inglés en linea.

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