Listening activity – Ejercicio de listening en ingles (Conversación virtual): The Virtual BarberShop

Para una real experiencia usar “headphones” (AURICULARES) Se trata de una conversación en un salon de peluquería. RECUERDEN USEN AURICULARES y cierren sus ojos.

Actividad #2 – Listening / Comprensión Auditiva


Este audio Recrea una situación muy habitual para todos porque se trata de una conversación en una peluquería. Lo interesante es del clip de audio es que usa una técnica llamada binaura / holophonic y consiste en ponerle unos micrófonos especiales en una posición específica que recrea la posición de los oidos del ser humano. Esto crea un excelente sonido “surround” simulando una conversación real.


: (singing) Oh hello there, hello there how are you yes yes are here for the virtual haircut? Yes yes I will go and get Luigi, he will come and cut your hair I am Manuel just stay right there Luigi, Luigi it´s Manuel the president is here for the virtual haircut you´d better come up.

Luigi: I´ll come right now

Manuel: He is coming up right now and meanwhile I will go over here and play the music, the guitar, because that is what I do here in the barbershop

Luigi: Ah, It´s so nice to see you. Welcome to the Starky Cetera barbershop and your virtual haircut. I´d like to start the demonstration by moving over to your right hand side and picking up this bag if you just hold still for a sec (second). I´ll put this bag over your head just like that. The bag over the top of the head and now i´ll take the bag off there we go the only reason i did that is because all of the fancy Barbershops do that what you are listening to as i move off to your right here and very quickly wash my hands (the phone rings)

Luigi: Manuel could you get that please?

Manuel: Yes,

Luigi: Thank you Manuel let me finish washing my hand just bare with me for a few seconds. As i was saying, all we are doing is using your head as the listening point and we have 2 microphones one on either side of the head in the same positions as where your left and right ears are your brain is doing all the work telling you where the sounds are coming form

Ok, I ´ll go get the scissors It´s nice and sharp Now as I begin the clipping and i bring the clippers closer to your ear very close to your right ear follow me as i move around the back of the head to the left ear and up and over the top of the head ok

Now you can get the same effect or better with the electric razor I will first bring it close to your right ear it is perfect and around the back and on your left t there. I think that looks wonderful manuel what do you think

Manuel: Uh What, uh, yes yes. It looks wonderful luigi you do such nice work

Luigi: Thank you so much Manuel

Manuel: And so fast too

Luigi: Now as I walk around I just want to tell you once more that your ability to hear where I am as i walk around the room is simply the amazing power of your brain, calculating the tiny differences or cues in sound intensity and arrival time from two open ears and unlike any other hearing instrument only one has the digital algorithm that negates its own physical presence in the ear to fully restore those differences. That algorithm is called Cetera

Thank you, thank you so much for stopping by the Starky virtual haircut, good bye and arrivederchi.