Hacer Comparaciones en Ingles – Comparing with Prepositions and Adjectives

September 9, 2019Curso Intermediate

Como Hacer Comparaciones en Inglés con preposiciones y Adjetivos — Lesson 4 INTERMEDIATE


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When we talk about comparisons students usually think about using the Comparative and Superlative form (Lesson 21, Lesson 23). However, there are other ways to compare.  Sometimes it is important to compare in a more general form and not with an especific adjective.

Comparing with Prepositions and “Generic” Adjectives

To understand how we can compare using prepositions and “generic” adjectives we need to understand two things: The use and Syntax.

Comparing with Prepositions

Use: We are going to compare using the mentioned form when we want to talk about general comparisons

Syntax (Structure)

Prepositions that we use to compare:

  • Different from
  • The same as
  • similar to

The position is like any other preposition (in, for, with). We need to separate the two NOUNS we are comparing

Let’s suppose that A refers to one noun and B to another. This can represent a city, a person, etc. The structure would be the folllowing

  • A is + PREPOSITION + B

As you can see the preposition is in between the two nouns that we are comparing


– Juan is similar to Pedro.
– His house is diferrent from mine.
– The weather in Miami is the same as the weather in Cancun.

Comparing with “generic” Adjectives

Use: also for general comparisons

Syntax (Structure)

Adjectives that we use to compare:

  • Different 
  • The same 
  • Similar 

With adjectives we need to first GROUP and mention the two NOUNS that we are comparing. Following the previuos idea, where A and B represent a noun we would group it like this:

  • A and B are + ADJECTIVE


– Juan and Pedro are  similar.
– His house and mine are  diferrent.
– The weather in Miami and Cancun is the same.



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