Dar ordenes e instrucciones en Ingles, Giving commands and orders with the Imperative form (LECCION 7)
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Curso de ingles gratis con audio Grammar LESSON 7( LECCION7 GRAMATICA) – Basic Level : The Imperative pattern (form)
In this lesson we will talk about how to give commands and orders and to use “please” with the imperative.
The Imperative pattern
It is used to give instructions, commands and orders. It is a very simple structure because we do not need to use the subject. The sentence is started with the verb or verb phrase and “don’t” is used for the negative form.
Positive form:
Verb: Example: (to write / to ask / to read / to bring / to take / to give / to be)
(+) Write your name on the sheet. {There isn’t any subject because it is an order)
(+) Read chapter 5 for tomorrow.
(+) Be quiet!
Negative form:
To use the negative form add the word “don’t” before the infinitive without to
(-) Don’t write on the table.
(-) Don’t read that book.
(-) Don’t bring food to the class.
Example: (figure # 1)
* We can use the word “please” to make a request or petition. We put it at the beginning or end of the imperative sentence (positive or negative).
Use a comma if “please” is at the end of a request. Don’t use a comma if “please” is at the beginning of a request.
(+) Please be quiet.
(-) Don’t make noise, please.
(+) Bring me my sweater, please.
Apuntes del Profesor:
Como vemos, es una estructura simple pero es una buena forma de empezar a ver otros verbos además del verbo to be. Recuerden de que tienen que empezar a pensar en ingles así que cuando requieren dar una orden, instrucción o petición (con “please”) pueden utilizar la forma imperativa afirmativa o negativa. Si no saben el verbo basta con buscarlo en el diccionario y simplemente ponen la forma infinitiva sin el “to” antes.
No saben como decir “No saltes” Vas al diccionario y buscas y encuentras que saltar viene del infinitivo “to jump”. Por ende se dice “Don’t jump“
Practice with the verbs and pictures (Figure # 2)
Complete the sentences using the imperatives (positive or negative). Look at the pictures for help.
*Gracias a Basic grammar in use Copyright por las figuras y al libro Grammar Practice por los ejercicios.
Thanks teacher Carlos, I AM teachin a high midle school in Guatemala, this site is good for me.
There isn’t any subject because it is an order, porqué ahí si se usa el ANY si no es plural?
Acabo de descubrir esta página y me está ayudando bastante a recordar!.
Muchas gracias profesor Carlos