Conversación en inglés gratis con audio: La Familia

Clases de inglés gratis: Conversación en inglés gratis: La Familia –– SECCION: Conversation / Speaking Activity #23

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Hoy en nuestra sección de Conversation/Speaking tenemos audio con tres conversaciones acerca de la familia (NIVEL BASICO). Es nuestra actividad número 23. El audio de esta lección lo pueden encontrar al comienzo de esta lección y lo pueden descargar haciendo clic derecho en DOWNLOAD debajo del reproductor y eligiendo la opción de “Guardar vínculo como”.  Esta lección también incluye las transcripciones de las conversaciones.

Para poder mejorar nuestra habilidad de conversación en inglés es necesario la práctica constante. Para ello necesitamos material y ejemplos de conversaciones para poder mejorar el oído. Los audios que ponemos son solo una forma de prácticar ya que de allí es crucial que ustedes se reunan con otras personas para poder practicar díalogos y conversaciones reales en inglés.

En esta oportunidad vamos a compartir tres conversaciones de la familia. Antes de cada conversación, daré unas sugerencias para que puedan tener una mejor comprensión de los diálogos.

Temas y frases a tomar en cuenta:

Vocabulario: La familia (Lección 1 de Vocabulario CLIK AQUI)

Frases importantes: (Escuchar el audio para la explicación de estas frases)

– What’s your family like?

– What about your family?

– What does your mom do?

– Who is this?

Conversación en inglés #1: Talking to a new friend at school about the family

Student 1: What’s your family like?
Student 2: I have a very big family. A mom, a dad, a grandma, two grandpas, an older brother, two younger sisters, one dog, and one goldfish.
Student 1: Wow, that is big! Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Student 2: We live in a house. Our grandparents live far away. What about your family? Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Student 1: I’ve got a small family. It’s just my mom, my younger sister, my cat, and me. We live in an apartment in the center of town.
Student 2: What does your mom do?
Student 1: She’s a lawyer. She is thirty years old and she works very hard for us.
Student 2: It sounds like you have a nice family.
Student 1: You too, maybe I can meet them sometime!
Student 2: Sure, I want to meet your cat too!
Student 1: Okay!

Conversación en inglés #2: This is my family

Stacy: Is this a picture of your family?
Ellen: Yes, this is my family.
Stacy: Who is this?
Ellen: This is my brother, Sam. Do you have any brothers?
Stacy: Yes, I have two brothers. Their names are Alex and John.
Ellen: Oh! You have more brothers than I do. But these are my two sisters. Their names are Ann and Julie.
Stacy: I see. Julie is taller than Ann.
Ellen: Yes, and Julie is three years older than Ann.
Stacy: And these are your parents?
Ellen: Yes, this is my father. His name is Harry. My mother’s name is Judy.
Stacy: Oh, I see they both have brown hair.
Ellen: Yes, but my father’s hair is darker than my mother’s.
Stacy: Thank you for showing me your family.

Conversación en inglés #3:  How many brothers?

Sue: Molly, how many brothers do you have?
Molly: I have two brothers. Do you have any brothers, Sue?
Sue: Yes, I have one brother. He is seven years old.
Molly: My brothers are eighteen and fourteen. My brothers are older than your brother.
Sue: Yes, my brother is young. He does not have homework yet from his school.
Molly: Oh, my brothers help with my homework. I really like their help.
Sue: Do your brothers finish their homework?
Molly: Yes, my brothers are both good students and I want to be a good student also.