Como Pedir algo Amablemente en Inglés – Estrategias comunicativas
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Conversation Strategies #8: Estrategias comunicativas: Pedir algo amablamente
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Thank you for your visit. Today we have a new lesson brought to us by Ayleen Woodhouse who is our teacher collaborator from This is her eighth lesson on her section CONVERSATION STRATEGIES. In this lesson she will be teaching how to ask something politely in English.
Conversation Strategies es una sección en donde nuestra profesora Ayleen nos da consejos de como mejorar nuestras habilidades comunicativas con lecciones completamente en inglés. Hoy es la octava entrega en esta sección. Hoy nos enseña diversas formas de como mostrar sorpresa y de hacer preguntas consecuentes.
Si quieres clases privadas con Ayleen pueden contactarla por email. Toda la información de contacto la puedes encontrar al final de esta lección. Pueden también agregarme a Whatsapp a +51997746013 y pedirme más información.
Conversation strategies
Asking politely
Sometimes you need to ask to do something or ask someone to do something.
- You can use Do you mind if + subject + verb . . . ? to ask permission to do something:
Do you mind if I look around? ( = Can I look around?)
- You can use Would you mind + verb + -ing . . . ? to ask someone to do something:
Would you mind helping me in the kitchen? ( = Can you help me?)
You can use No to agree to requests with Do you mind if . . . ? and Would you mind + verb + -ing . . . ?:
A: Do you mind if I open the window?
B: No, go ahead.
A: Would you mind helping me with my project?
B: No, not at all.
The tricky part is the answer. In both examples, No means “I don’t mind. It’s not a problem.”
Do you mind = would it be a problem?
What’s the difference between do you mind if I and would you mind?
- Do you mind means if… means _________ do something?
- Would you mind + ing means __________ do something?
CAN I …? ———— CAN YOU … ?
Agreeing to requests You can use Yes or No to agree to requests.
Use Yes to agree to requests with Can and Could:
A: Can I look around?
B: Yes. / Sure. / Go (right) ahead.
A: Could you chop the potatoes?
B: Yes. / Sure. / Yeah, no problem. / OK.
On the other hand, if questions start with do you mind if I or would you mind say No.
A: Do you mind if I look around?
B: No, go (right) ahead. / No, not at all.
A: Would you mind helping me in the kitchen?
B: No, not at all. / Oh, no. No problem. I’m happy to help.
A case where you would yes as an answer:
A: It’s really cold and someone says Do you mind if I open the window?
B: Yes, I do mind. It’s really cold. (You are not giving permission)
B: No, not at all. (Go ahead open the window)
Acerca de Ayleen:
Ayleen Woodhouse,tiene 14 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera, en la actualidad es profesora de inglés online y fundadora de Wespeak ( En sus clases incorpora interacción en vivo en una clase (trabajo sincrónico) y trabajo trabajo autodidacta (asincrónico) realizado por cada alumno desde el lugar de su conveniencia y en el horario de su preferencia.
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